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Privacy Policy

Effective Date: June 20, 2024 12:00 PM EDT

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Privacy Policy

Effective Date: June 20, 2024 12:00 PM EDT

Effective Date: June 20, 2024 12:00 PM EDT

Privacy Policy

Scalyr Technologies, Inc. (d/b/a Truvius) and our affiliates (“Truvius”, “we”, “us” or “our”) knows that you care about how your personal information is used and disclosed, and we take your privacy seriously. Our primary goal is to provide you with exceptional service, and we understand that you may have questions or concerns regarding your personal information and how it will be used. To make this privacy notice easy to find, we make it available from the home page of the Truvius website at www.truvius.io (the "website"). You may also email us at info@truvius.io with any privacy-related questions you have.


To Whom Does This Privacy Policy Apply?

This privacy notice applies to all information we collect through our Services from current and former Truvius users, including you. For purposes of this privacy policy, “Services” means any products, services, content, features, technologies, or functions, and all related websites, applications, platforms, and services offered to you by Truvius. When you are no longer our customer, we continue to disclose your information as described in this statement.


As the Services evolve we may occasionally update this privacy notice to reflect changes to our business, Services, or applicable laws. If the revised version requires notice in accordance with applicable law, we will provide you with 30 days prior notice by posting notice of the change on the "Privacy Policy" page of our website, otherwise the revised Privacy notice will be effective as of the published effective date.


Throughout this statement, we use the term "personal information" to describe information that can be associated with a specific person and can be used to identify that person. We do not consider personal information to include information that has been aggregated and/or anonymized so that it does not identify a specific person.


What Information Do We Collect?

When you visit our website or use one of our Services, we collect your IP address, and standard web log information, such as your browser type and the pages you accessed on our website. We also may collect Geolocation Information (defined below). If you do not agree to our collection of this information, you may not be able to use our Service.


If you open a Truvius account, we may collect the following information from you:

  • Account Information - text-enabled cellular/wireless telephone number and other similar information;

  • Identification Information - your name, street address, email address, date of birth, and Social Security Number ("SSN") (or other governmental issued verification numbers);

  • Device Information - information about you: (a) from your mobile device or computer such as your device type, machine or mobile device identification number, Geolocation Information, time zone, language setting, browser type, and IP address, and (b) from third parties for purposes of transaction processing, identity verification, fraud detection or prevention and other similar purposes;

  • Geolocation Information - information that identifies with reasonable specificity your location by using, for instance, longitude and latitude coordinates obtained through GPS, Wi-Fi, or cell site triangulation. This data may be used for fraud and risk prevention purposes. In addition, some of our Services may ask you for permission to disclose your current location within your device settings to enhance our Services. If you do not agree to our collection of Geolocation Information, our Services may not function properly when you try to use them. For information about your ability to restrict the collection and use of Geolocation Information to enhance our Services, please refer to the settings available in your device;

  • Financial Information - including information pertaining to investment accounts, investment transactions, investment positions, investment experience, and investment interests.


We may also collect the above data from other third parties, including service providers, internet service providers, government entities, and financial institutions.


We are committed to providing a safe and secure service. Therefore, before permitting you to use the Services, we may require additional information from you we can use to verify your identity, address or other information to comply with law or to manage risk and compliance throughout our relationship. We may also obtain information about you from third parties such as identity verification, fraud prevention and similar services.


When you are using the Services, we collect information about your account transactions and we may collect Geolocation Information and/or information about your computer or your operating systems or other access device for fraud prevention and other similar purposes.


Finally, we may collect additional information from or about you in other ways not specifically described here. For example, we may collect information related to your contact with our customer support team, store results when you respond to a survey, or when you use another Truvius service.


The Services are not directed to children under the age of 13. If we obtain actual knowledge that we have collected personal information from a child under the age of 13, we will promptly delete it, unless we are legally obligated to retain such data. Contact us if you believe that we have mistakenly or unintentionally collected information from a child under the age of 13.


How Do We Use Cookies?

When you visit or use our Services, or visit a third-party website or mobile application through which we offer our services, we and certain business partners and vendors may use cookies and other tracking technologies (collectively, "Cookies"). We use Cookies to recognize you as a customer; customize Services, other content and advertising; measure the effectiveness of promotions; perform a wide range of analytics; mitigate risk and prevent potential fraud; and to promote trust and safety across our Services.


Certain Services may only be available through the use of Cookies, so if you choose to disable or decline Cookies, your use of certain Services may be limited or not possible.


Do Not Track ("DNT") is an optional browser setting that allows you to express your preferences regarding tracking by advertisers and other third-parties. We do not respond to DNT signals.


How Do We Store and Protect Personal Information?

We store and process your personal information using third party servers located in data centers in the United States. This information is protected by physical, electronic and procedural safeguards in compliance with applicable US federal and state laws and regulations. We also use computer safeguards such as firewalls and data encryption, we enforce physical access controls to our files, and we authorize access to personal information only for those employees who require it to fulfill their job responsibilities.


We strive to ensure security on our systems. Despite our efforts, we cannot guarantee that personal information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed by breach of our administrative, managerial and technical safeguards. Therefore, we urge you to take adequate precautions to protect your personal information as well, including never sharing your Truvius password with anyone.

If Truvius learns of a systems security breach, we may attempt to notify you electronically so that you can take appropriate protective steps. By using the Services, you agree that Truvius may communicate with you electronically. Truvius may post a notice on the website or mobile application if a security breach occurs. We may also send an email to you at the email address you have provided to us. Depending on where you live, you may have a legal right to receive notice of a security breach in writing. To receive free written notice of a security breach (or to withdraw your consent from receiving electronic notice of a security breach), please email us at info@truvius.io.


How Long Do We Store Your Personal Information?

We retain your Personal Information for as long as needed or permitted in context of the purpose for which it was collected and consistent with applicable law.


The criteria used to determine our retention period is as follows:

Personal Information used for the ongoing relationship between you and Truvius is stored until the end of the fiscal year following the fifth anniversary of the termination of your relationship with Truvius, unless we need to keep it longer, such as:

  • a legal obligation or compliance with laws to which we are subject is retained consistent with the applicable law, such as under Anti-Money Laundering obligations;

  • litigation, investigations, audit, and compliance practices, or to protect against legal claims.


How Do We Use the Personal Information We Collect?

Our primary purpose in collecting personal information is to provide you with a safe, smooth, and efficient experience. We may use your personal information to:

  • provide the services and customer support you request;

  • process transactions and send notices about your transactions activity and investment positions;

  • resolve disputes, collect fees, and troubleshoot problems;

  • prevent potentially fraudulent, prohibited or illegal activities, and enforce our User Agreement through the use of our risk and fraud tools which may include use of Account Information, Identification Information, Financial Information, Device Information, and Geolocation Information;

  • create an account connection between your Truvius account and a third-party account or platform;

  • customize, personalize, measure, and improve our services and the content and layout of our website;

  • send you updates about new products and services that we are offering;

  • compare information for accuracy and verify it with third parties; and

  • perform other duties as required by law.


If you elect to disclose your Geolocation Information, we will use this information to enhance the security of the Services and we may use this information to provide you with location-specific options, functionality, and offers.


How Do We Disclose Personal Information to Other Parties?

Truvius does not disclose your personal information with third parties for their promotional or marketing purposes.

Some personal information is public information and may be seen by anyone on the internet, whether or not they have a Truvius account. Public information may also be seen, accessed, reshared or downloaded through Truvius' APIs or third-party services that integrate with our products.


We may disclose your personal information with:

  • Our affiliates, but only for purposes allowed by this document;

  • Companies that Truvius plans to merge with or be acquired by or, in the event of any bankruptcy, a bankruptcy estate. Should such a combination occur, we will require that the new combined entity follow this privacy notice with respect to your personal information. If your personal information could be used contrary to this statement, you will receive prior notice and the opportunity to communicate preferences you may have, if applicable;

  • Third party firms through which Truvius offers its services;

  • Law enforcement, government officials, or other third parties if Truvius is compelled to do so by a subpoena, court order or similar legal procedure; when it is necessary to do so to comply with law; or where the disclosure of personal information is reasonably necessary to prevent physical harm or financial loss, to report suspected illegal activity, or to investigate violations of the Truvius Terms of Use, or as otherwise required by law;

  • Third party service providers who assist us in providing Services to you or who provide fraud detection or similar services on our or any vendor’s behalf;

  • Service providers under contract who help with parts of our business operations (for example, fraud prevention, payment processing, or technology services). Our contracts dictate that these service providers only use your information in connection with the services they perform for us and not for their own benefit; and

  • Other third parties with your consent or at your direction to do so, including if you authorize an account connection with a third-party account or platform.


For the purposes of this privacy notice, an "account connection" with such a third party is a connection you authorize or enable between your Truvius account and a non-Truvius account, payment instrument, or platform that you lawfully control or own. When you authorize such a connection, Truvius and the third-party will exchange your personal information and other information directly. Examples of account connections include, without limitation: connecting your Truvius account to a third-party data aggregation or financial services company, if you provide such company with your Truvius account log-in credentials.


If you connect your Truvius account to other financial accounts, directly or through a third-party service provider, we may have access to your account balance and account and transactional information, such as purchases and funds transfers. If you choose to create an account connection, we may receive information from the third-party about you and your use of the third-party’s service. We will use all such information that we receive from a third-party via an account connection in a manner consistent with this privacy notice.


Information that we disclose with a third-party based on an account connection will be used and disclosed in accordance with the third-party’s privacy practices. Before authorizing an account connection, you should review the privacy notice of any third-party that will gain access to your personal information as part of the account connection. For example, personal information that Truvius discloses with a third-party account or platform may in turn be disclosed with certain other parties, including the general public, depending on the account’s or platform’s privacy practices.


How Can You Access and Change Your Personal Information?

You can review and update your personal information in your account settings at any time by logging in to your account.


Links to Other Services or Sites

The Services may contain links to (or allow you to link to) other third-party services or websites. Truvius does not control the information collection of third-party services or websites that can be reached through such links. We encourage our users to be aware when they are linking to a third-party service or website and to read the privacy notices of any third-party service or website that collects personally identifiable information.


How Can You Contact Us?

If you have questions or concerns regarding this privacy notice, or any feedback pertaining to your privacy, please email us at info@truvius.io.